Dive into a transformative journey that will reshape your understanding of self and the universe. This isn't just a book; it's an awakening.



THIS BOOK Reveals  How You Can Experience Your Divine Nature Every Day By Embracing  PROFOUND Spiritual Insights  Explained By The Mind Of A Mathematician

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Dear Spiritual Seeker, Explorer of Life...

My name is Dr. Björn Lenz, and in this book, I’d like to show you what is possible if you are open and ready to remember that you are God.

As a mathematician, I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of randomness. But as I delved deeper into my Ph.D. research in probability theory, something extraordinary happened – I discovered that randomness is nothing more than an illusion.

I was hooked. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and knew I had to uncover the truth behind this deception. So I dove deeper into the mysteries of the universe and was rewarded with a revelation so profound it took my breath away.

I found that behind every apparent randomness, there was a hidden pattern, a beautiful order that tied everything together.

And I realized this is the key to understanding the universe and our place in it.

In this book, I’m excited to share my journey and the breakthrough findings I’ve uncovered. But more than that, I will show you how to use this knowledge to live a more fulfilling life.

I promise you’re in for an incredible ride.

Once you open this book, your perspective will shift, and nothing will ever be the same. You’re about to discover something that will change the way you see the world and your place in it.

What Others are saying

If you are a true seeker of the truth, if you are ready to let go of limiting beliefs, judgments, and projections and choose love over fear, this material could be one of the most essential gifts you brought to yourself, and it surely didn’t happen by coincidence. Good luck!

- Damir Mujic, Entrepreneur and Author

This book can help you go deep inside and change what has held you back if you choose to. I can say that the space that has been created and the healing you receive is beyond words. I can’t recommend this book enough to those who would like to create a great change in themselves.

- Parisa Fardad, School Teacher

What a beautiful, delicious, gentle book. The essence of authenticity is so clear as Bjorn uses personal and day-to-day situations to which we can all relate. Read with no prejudice or expectations – and a pleasant surprise is forthcoming. Thank you for sharing your work Mr. Lenz.

- Gill Back, PR Strategist


  • Are you a human being?

  • Do you yearn for fulfillment over frustration?

  • Do you seek joy over suffering?

If you answered yes to all of these, then this book is your key to unlocking the greatest mystery of all - the truth of your own divinity.

This book is for the genuine seeker, the soul yearning for its divine counterpart. It's not a casual read for the faint-hearted or those seeking mere spiritual entertainment.

While there are countless books on spirituality, "Rediscovering You Are God" is a distilled essence of a lifetime of seeking, offering unparalleled insights into our divine nature.

"Rediscovering You Are God" isn't just literature; it's a transformative journey. Immerse yourself and emerge with a renewed sense of self.

Seven years ago, if I had been posed with this question, I would have been skeptical, dismissing it as impossible and unrealistic. But now, I stand before you, having unlocked a mystical understanding of life that I wish to share with all.

What lies ahead for you is perhaps the most important and profound journey you will ever take, because it is a journey beneath the noise, beneath the superficial reality which entangles and consumes most of humanity.

I am here to guide you, nothing more. My guidance can only shine a light on the path in front of you, it is then up to you whether it is a path you wish to walk.

I can be your guide, but ultimately only you can choose to take on this adventure. This is what I am here to do.

Will I see you on the other side?

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